For University Scholarship Administrators
The Texas A&M University System Internal Audit Department has deemed Scholarships & Financial Aid as responsible for general oversight of university scholarship processing. In such, Scholarships & Financial Aid is required to request and facilitate self-audit and compliance reviews of University scholarship awarding units to ensure compliance with University Rules and Regulations as well as donor intentions.
Below are links to resources and forms available to University scholarships administrators. Some links provide access to administrative systems that require access requests and training.
University staff and administrators may contact the Scholarships Office at (979) 845-3982 or with questions and concerns. Students may email with questions and concerns.
SB 17 and University Scholarship Administration - Effective January 2024Scholarship Administrator's Resource GuidePolicy for Student Travel, Awards, Prizes, and Other Financial Assistance
Scholarship Systems (for authorized users)
SOLAR (Scholarship On-Line Account Review) reflects a current summary of a given scholarship - fund codes, account numbers, donor/gift agreement, criteria/restrictions, recipients, and other pertinent information.
SPARTA (Scholarship Processing: Apply, Review, Track & Award) compiles applicant data for incoming freshman, incoming transfer students and currently enrolled students. SPARTA contains tools to assess applicants and provides the mechanism to offer scholarship/fellowship awards.